So Much to Say...

Yeah, I know. You're shaking your heads going 'I told ya so'! I said many a time that I would keep up with this blog, that I would be diligent in my work. Honestly, bigger priorities have come up in the past few months, and have taken me away from this task.
For one, my awesome son, Adam, was born back in October. Naturally, that took up a lot of free time I once had. The time I spend with him is wonderful. Sure, I still sit downstairs with the lad in my arms while I attempt to play video games. I may have that free time, but the only other change is that I'm much more exhausted that late at night. I actually find myself waking up mid-game after having dozed off. Pretty sure Mario was glaring at me once.
Still, I had one major accomplishment over the past week: I finished my book! Now I'm at the editing stage. As of a few minutes ago I have gotten through chapter 5 of 51. This is probably the most difficult part because I have to tie up any and all loose ends. This could be harder than writing the book itself!