Writing Abroad...

Doesn't seem to work out well for me.  I was out training in Kansas City this week for work and figured I'd have time to write a little.  Nope!  At the end of every day it seemed I had a good deal of homework to get done.  By the time I finished it was usually close to 10 at night, and one's brain tends to burn out around that time.  Even now as I wait to hear my zone number at the airport gate I thought I'd crack open the book.  Turns out I don't even have the latest copy of my book on file!  I think my best bet is to recoup and dabble in it this weekend.  My top priority now is to get home to my family.  They keep me sane, and I need that in my life.  Can't wait to see you guys!

In Other News...

So another hiatus has come about, but I'm perfectly fine with it.  Sure, I did finish a chapter in my book last night, but before then I was taking a break.  Last week my wife and I found out some wonderful news:

We had our ultrasound last Tuesday and found out we're having another boy!  His name is Adam.  Our other boy, Noah, no longer says we are having a baby piggy or baby truck (when asked).  He's equally excited to have a little brother to take care of!
With that in mind, I do have to remind myself that along with getting the baby room ready I should finish my book.  I don't know if I'll have it ready and published by the end of October, but I have to try.  It's a weight I don't need hanging over my head.  Here's to finishing the book!